Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pictures of your mama, taken by your papa, a long time ago

This week, I've been working on a project for Tres and his sister, using her snazzy scanner to transfer and store all of the negatives from their childhood photos online. I'll admit that I've become a bit obsessive in working on this (in my defense, it's been too cold for me to want to take the baby out for our daily walk, so it's been a pretty quiet week), but it's been so fun to see these sweet photos. I see so many of their little expressions in Silas. It's really the first time that I've identified with the parents in these photos (or behind the camera, as the case may be) rather than the children; I'll admit that it feels a bit strange, but wonderful too. The cyclical nature of human experience has been striking me a lot lately. Anyway, enough about me, here's what you should really want to see:

LOVE this picture - look at her curious little face!

If there's anything in early resemblance,
there's little doubt as to who Silas will
grow up to look like . . . 

 He-e-e-ere's trouble

 His son makes this face all the time

We had these plates too!

What a sweetheart

If this one doesn't miss you long
for carefree childhood days. . .

little farmers

I totally want this sweater

pom pom hats!

I suspect that this won't be the last you see of this project - it's all I could do to keep myself from posting all of them (well, maybe not all - there are over 500 thus far and we're only up to January 1985 - but lots more). Gosh, they just make my heart squish. Of course, this guy does too.

Here's to March and hoping that spring is on the way!

1 comment:

  1. Augghh, the cuteness!! Thank you so much for sharing the Leetle Fraziers. I cannot believe how much T & J resemble their current selves in pics 10 & 11, especially. The tire swing, however, makes me NOT long for numerous childhood vomits :) My 30th birthday wish was to finally grow out of my lifelong motion sickness problems...
