Friday, June 14, 2013

I've got Friday on my mind

The days are really flying by around here lately. Silas was off of his nap schedule (as in, not really napping) for a week there, so I haven't had much time to blog, but rest assured all is well and busy around here. I've got lots of ideas for new posts, so hopefully I'll be able to get back to writing here more regularly. In the meantime, have a

We've been doing a lot of this lately
(usually in a swimsuit, though)

Something delicious: Find yourself some fresh shell peas, cook them for a couple of minutes in melted butter (just until they're warmed through), add a pinch of salt, and ask yourself if you've ever eaten anything better (spoiler: you haven't).

Something to read: I've had this from the library for a few weeks and it's definitely worth checking out. Everything in it looks delicious, the dishes we tried were great (despite my not having several of the ingredients), and it's full of beautiful photos and interesting stories. 

Something neat:This is pretty much the most idyllic sounding celebration I can imagine (and the costumes - so cute!).

Something to make: These have been in the back of my mind for months now. With tile floors, it's nice to have some cushy areas for relaxing. Silas loves his beanbag chair, so I suspect that these would be popular too.

A rare group shot, in the San Juans

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