I swear this thing used to be bigger. . .
Something delicious: The confluence of the late winter cold currently making the rounds here and the prospect of having lots of honey on hand has had me thinking about a ginger "tea" that I used to buy when I was living in New York and feeling under the weather. This was basically it, made from the giant jars of ginger-infused honey she describes in her post. I'm looking forward to making some of our own next winter.I swear this thing used to be bigger. . .
Something neat: I got super excited about the John C. Campbell Folk School a couple of years ago (still am, but it's not really any more of a practical option presently) and was interested to read that it has inspired a smattering of imitators. I really love the idea of people gathering together to share their specialized skills and hope that it's a trend that continues to grow.
Something to read: This is the study referenced in the article I mentioned a month or so ago. As someone who was raised when "self esteem" was a major buzz word (buzz phrase?), it's especially interesting to me to see the distinctions she's making, that children should be encouraged and praised for their efforts, rather than their innate intelligence or facility with task ("I like how you tried all of the pieces." rather than "You finished the puzzle, you're so smart!"). It makes sense to me, but then again, praising children's intelligences when they did well seemed like a good idea at the time.
Something to make: I made five of these last week, to frame some cards that I've been wanting to hang in the kitchen since we moved in. The awesome part: they cut the plexiglass to my specifications and gave it to me for free at our hardware store, since they were able to use scraps that would have otherwise been thrown out. Not so awesome: the tape dries really quickly and "just eyeballing it" is not as easy as it sounds. I had to peel off several pieces before getting it lined up and they are definitely not anywhere close to even or consistent. Some tips. Do the shorter edge first and make it a little shorter than the corners (the longer sides will cover them and then it's easier to fold the corners later). As for the corners, it's just like wrapping a present (this was difficult for my brain to process, but my hands figured it out pretty quickly). I'm happy with them, but the bottom line is that this is cheap, but likely won't look professional.
Any eggs in here?
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