Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cream colored ponies

Whew, the end of this week (and month, zoiks!) really snuck up on me. Nonetheless,

The gray gloom has finally lifted and we've had a few
beautiful sunny days, everyone here has been enjoying it!

Something delicious: This isn't so much amazingly delicious as it is practical, but boy is it practical (and certainly can be delicious, depending on how you use them later). I've used this method probably 10 times since discovering it at the end of last summer and it's worked swimmingly every time. Different beans take slightly varying amounts of time, so be sure to give yourself at least a couple of hours.

Something neat: These are super neat, they show the "movement" of stars, as the earth rotates.

Something to read: As is often the case with books of this nature, covering so many topics means that not all are covered in as much depth as one might like, but this is a useful resource for looking up quick questions or basics and a good jumping off point for new lines of inquiry. It's also a pretty amazing time capsule of the homesteading craze. Our copy is from Tres's parents, so not the most recent edition, but I'm hoping that it still has the same happy hippie quality to it. I suspect that Carla Emery was a pretty amazing lady.

Something to make: We used this to make shirts at camp and they always looked amazing (plus it was so cool to watch the colors change), but then the dye immediately came out upon washing. I wonder if it's because we didn't use 100% cotton? Apparently, you can use it to transfer photos onto cloth too. . . looking at this makes me want to try it again.

Don't forget, weekends are also the time
for eating delicious breakfasts

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