February is a month of anticipation around here, as the weather starts to get a little warmer and we start looking forward to spring. I know that stores have had the bathing suits out since New Year's, but I really don't think that I'm jumping the gun here when I say that we're getting close now.
The chickens are fully grown (or nearly) and at varying stages of maturity, some have fairly substantial combs and have become quite red around the face. Eggs shouldn't be too long off now! Scratch that, we got our first egg yesterday!
The trees and shrubs are full of buds.
The garden is tilled and the drip line is laid.

This gives you a good idea of their variation - the lady
on the right is the most mature and the left is the least
Tiny first egg
The trees and shrubs are full of buds.
This forsythia is going to go off any day now
The seeds are organized and ready.
The garden is tilled and the drip line is laid.
Yep, it's definitely starting to look like (nearly) spring around here.