Monday, January 14, 2013

Plant a carrot, get a carrot, not a Brussels sprout

I once saw Brussels Sprouts at a market labeled as
"little green balls of death" and even though
that doesn't really reflect my opinion, I can't
help but think of it whenever I see some

Today, an ode to Brussels sprouts. I harvested these beauties from the garden last week and they were mighty fine. We didn't get a huge yield this year (what you see above is about half of our total), as we got them in a little late for our weather. We're still trying to work out the best time to plant them, so that they can grow into the winter, but also yield a maximum number of sprouts. The scarcity this year, though, has just made them all the more precious. I realize that they're not everyone's cup of tea, but I expect that's only because they haven't had good ones. Fresh, small sprouts, prepared well, are really one of life's treats. We typically just cut them in half and fry them in a little butter and salt until they're soft (they should still have a little crunch - the mushiness that comes from boiling them is often what people dislike about them), splashing on a little lemon juice at the end. Pairing them with bacon is often a popular choice and, obviously, delicious as is adding some salty cheese like parmesan. We tried this last week, using the wonderful preserved lemons my sister gave us for Christmas, and enjoyed it thoroughly. So go, seek out a winter farmer's market and find yourself some sprouts - you won't be disappointed! 

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