Incredibly, Tres and I have been at this parenting thing now for 8 months. I say incredibly because, like all parents, I can't believe how quickly the time has passed. As we close in on our first Father's Day since Silas was born, I've been reflecting on how much I appreciate and value Tres's partnership, both in our marriage and in parenthood. Look out, this is going to get squishy.

Tres and I have been together for 12 years and married for 6. A lot has happened over that time; the difference between 18 and 30 seems like light years. What strikes me, though, is how much is also the same. He is still absolutely the boy I fell in love with those 12 years ago - silly, serious, trustworthy, pragmatic, inscrutable, loving, loyal, and smart as hell (sorry, honey, it needed to be said) - and I'm so happy that he'll be passing on all of those traits to our son.
A prime example of what he brings to our parenting happened a few weeks ago, when he was feeding Silas. I had introduced Silas to solids about a month previously and been slowly trying out different foods, offering them on a spoon (not very popular, as it turns out) and later my finger (decidedly more appealing). I usually fed him during the day while Tres was at work, but that day I asked if he would feed him some hot cereal. After giving him a few bites with his finger and seeing his enthusiasm, Tres let him take some from the plate himself. This idea had never crossed my mind. I mean, I had just not even considered the possibility. Now, as you can see, not a lot of it got into Silas's mouth, but he was into it. He was excited about the food, enjoying the process of grabbing and feeling its texture, and I think, on some level, excited about the agency he had in getting to touch it himself. That moment did more for helping him to love food and eating (a value we hold pretty near and dear around here) than any of his previous month's eating. These are the kind of rich experiences he will get to have because Tres is his papa.
A prime example of what he brings to our parenting happened a few weeks ago, when he was feeding Silas. I had introduced Silas to solids about a month previously and been slowly trying out different foods, offering them on a spoon (not very popular, as it turns out) and later my finger (decidedly more appealing). I usually fed him during the day while Tres was at work, but that day I asked if he would feed him some hot cereal. After giving him a few bites with his finger and seeing his enthusiasm, Tres let him take some from the plate himself. This idea had never crossed my mind. I mean, I had just not even considered the possibility. Now, as you can see, not a lot of it got into Silas's mouth, but he was into it. He was excited about the food, enjoying the process of grabbing and feeling its texture, and I think, on some level, excited about the agency he had in getting to touch it himself. That moment did more for helping him to love food and eating (a value we hold pretty near and dear around here) than any of his previous month's eating. These are the kind of rich experiences he will get to have because Tres is his papa.
Please repost the last photo, A; I can't see it, and the suspense (cute-spense? Is there a real word for this?) is killing me!
ReplyDeleteAllow me to express yet again the deep happiness that I feel regarding the T&A progeny-producing and -raising team. Certain members of the next generation are getting a pretty rad start on life! Happy belated Father's Day, my dears.