Sunday, April 22, 2012

I'm young and free, and suddenly it's spring

We've definitely shifted into full spring mode this week. Here are some sights of the season:

Silas enjoys the last the last beets and carrots from our root cellar

Tomato seedlings have been transplanted to their secondary containers

A delicious gift from one of Tres's growers

We're looking forward to our first salad tonight -
the volunteer arugula (closest plants in photo)
has gone gangbusters!

Tres and his pop are currently hard at work on this (more details once it's completed):

1 comment:

  1. What a cute little beet face! I have such arugula/asparagus envy. My little arugulas have just been hanging in there until our recent spell of warm sunny days. Can't tell you how encouraged I felt to see your congregation of baby 'maters, though; after repotting my own tomato team this month, I looked down at the small crowd and briefly wondered if I had bitten off more than I'll be able to chew.. er, can. You guys are good role models!
