Up until now, the shop has looked like this inside.

the wall partially insulated - you also see my
favorite addition to the shop, our fridge
With electricity installed, our next step was to "finish" the inside - putting up the rest of the insulation, covering it with Sheetrock (bare insulation and cats with too much time on their hands seemed a poor combination), putting in the windows, hooking up the rest of our appliances, and plumbing in the sink and shower. Tres' dad was on his way back up to help us and to bring the other appliances and fixtures, so our job was to get everything we would need ready. We rounded up the rest of our supplies (more PVC, the tub, and a tankless water heater) and then, while Tres continued to work on the pipes, I cut and put in the frames for the windows.

sawing window frames
It took Tres' dad just a few hours to put up the rest of the insulation and then we were on to Sheetrock. After he carefully notched out spaces for the outlets/fitting into the metal uprights, we fitted each piece onto the wall and he attached it on the sides.

screwing on the first sheet
Next, I screwed each sheet on, making five rows of five screws each. I am not shall we say. . . adept with an electric screwdriver (nor with non-electric models, for that matter), so this felt like a major accomplishment. He was also sure to save the most fun task of all - screwing in the bottom of each sheet - just for me. Suffice to say, he now knows most of the colorful phrases in my vocabulary.

one bay covered in Sheetrock
Once the Sheetrock was up, we needed to waterproof the walls around the kitchen/bathroom area. Tres' dad taped, mudded, and primed the walls, then I painted the edges and he and Tres took turns painting them.
walls painted
While I worked in the field and office with Tres for the rest of the week, his dad installed the sink and counter, hooked up the shower, and plumbed the whole mess. It was definitely a major job and we're so grateful for all of his hard work.
indoor shower
Tres finished tweaking the shower on Saturday (adding a showerhead, etc.) and I helped him rig up a shower curtain, then: indoor showers. . . with hot water. It was, in a word, amazing.
that first shower feeling
Tres has been working on installing the windows a little every day after work and he finished yesterday! In retrospect, it would have been easier to do during construction, rather than having to detach the siding, trim it, slide in the metal framing and the window, then put it all back together, but now one is done and it's lovely. Just one to go!
trimmed sheet metal lends itself to oh-so-many uses
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