Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Lemon tree very pretty

Woof, this past week's been a real doozy. The small one has readjusted his waking time to 5 a.m. and no amount of otherwise manipulating his schedule (new naptimes? fewer naps? later bedtime?) has changed his mind. To be fair, there's a lot going on with him right now - he's started walking (he takes 5 or 6 steps at a time and is pretty Frankenstein-y with stiff, bowed legs), looks to have 2 new teeth coming in, and has officially outgrown most of his summer clothes. While it's very exciting, none of that changes the fact that I'm seriously sleepy. Therefore, in lieu of a new entry today, I leave you with a photo essay from making lemonade earlier this summer.

I've still been keeping myself plenty busy and will have a more informative entry to share soon; here's a preview:

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