Thursday, June 28, 2012

Clutching forks and knives to eat their bacon

From the Recipe Box

I know I've been on a bit of a pea kick this year, but I've been especially consumed with love for them this year and did my best to eat as many as I could in their short season. I stumbled upon this recipe a few weeks ago and was instantly struck by its perfect affinity for peas. Unfortunately, our shell peas are not terrifically prolific (I imagine one would have to grow a tremendous number to actually have a lot of peas around and then there'd be all the shelling. . .), so since we'd just eaten some, I had to wait a little while for them to be replenished. It was totally worth it.

Pea and Bacon pasta (adapted from here)

one small onion, thinly sliced
6 slices bacon (ours are cut small - probably more like 4 slices regulation size, but bacon's hardly the place to skimp, now is it?)
1 pound tube pasta, I used penne
about 4 cups of stock
1/4 cup peas (that's all I had - add  more if you have 'em)

Fry the bacon in a large skillet until crispy (I like to cut it into bits first, but you can crumble it later if you prefer). Put bacon aside and cook onion in bacon fat over medium heat, until soft and golden. Add pasta to the pan and stir it around to coat it in fat. Add 3 cups of stock and bring to a simmer, adjusting the heat to keep it simmering without boiling. Cook for 10 - 15 minutes, stirring every few minutes to incorporate the pasta that's above the liquid. There should always be liquid coating the bottom of the pan, add more stock if the bottom is drying out. Test frequently, starting at about 7 minutes, and remove from heat when pasta is al dente. Add your peas about a minute or two before your pasta is done. Pour the pasta into a bowl, add the bacon,  salt and pepper to taste, and stir it all up. Put a little chevre on your serving, mix it up, and eat it.

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