Saturday, February 18, 2012

What's new, pussycat?

Ok, finally something instead of recipes. Despite my lack of news on the blog, we have been working on things around here. While most of my time is taken up with baby-related activity and house maintenance these days, Tres has been hard at work on things outside.

baby-related activities are pretty sweet

As you may recall from a year or so ago, we've had a few incidents of neighborhood dogs coming to visit, one resulting in tragedy. The next-door neighbor built a fence which, when closed has pretty much solved the problem with their dogs, but there are others around and we want to feel more comfortable letting our chickens roam around. There is also a hope that, down the line, we'll be adding to our animal family and will want them to be contained as well. To those ends, Tres replaced the dilapidated fencing around our property and put up a gate in front of the driveway. It has special significance, as it is the gate from his childhood farm (lovingly rehabilitated by his uncle and cousin - thank you!).

The weather here has been steadily warming (as in most of the country, it seems, we have had a very mild winter in general this year) and our minds, especially Tres's, have been turning to this year's garden. A few weeks ago, our neighbor brought over his tractor and he and Tres cleared everything out and spread a layer of manure. Now we have a beautiful blank slate, ready for this year's first planting in (probably) just a few weeks.

oh, the possibilities

A couple of weeks ago, we made our first major inside improvement: we built a bookshelf and moved our books up into the house! This may not sound like much, but it felt like a major accomplishment for us. Almost all of our books have been in boxes since we moved here in June 2010 and many have been boxed  up since we moved into our house in Seattle in August 2008. 

unpacking and organizing

It sounds cheesy, but it really did feel a bit like reuniting with old friends. Books really are such an important part of our lives; I hadn't realized how much I'd missed them, until we had access to them all and could see them on a daily basis again - I may have bitten off a bit more than I can chew with the resultant pile on my nightstand. . . While we still have a long way to go in making our house feel comfortable and home-y (and organized - ha!), this was a very satisfying first step.

and filled

Tres likes books

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