Friday, September 30, 2011

Wishin' and hopin'

Sorry I've been AWOL lately. My energy has been flagging these past few weeks, which makes for not a lot of bloggable activities (unless you'd really like to hear about my time spent doing laundry and browsing the internet). My mind is very focused, however; it has but one repeating thought: when is this baby coming? I'm pretty much past my nesting phase, as far as I can tell, so it's just trying to keep myself entertained and waiting. The rest of the family is getting anxious too, as I'm starting to get daily phone calls "just checking in." My due date isn't actually until Monday, so there's no cause for alarm or even really this much impatience; I guess it's just my nature. In an effort to be less crazy, I have imposed some embroidery projects upon myself today and am determined to cook dinner every night until this baby comes (Tres, sweetheart that he is, has come home from a long day at work and cooked more often than I have these past few weeks, which hardly seems fair). The apples we like are just starting to be ready for picking and Tres is getting his hands on some cabbage, so we should have some more interesting entries coming soon. In the meantime, you can stare at my big belly and send me some happy "go into labor already" (or "stop being a crazy person," if you prefer) thoughts.

the ever-flattering bathroom mirror self portrait

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