Hmm, I've started two entries since the last I actually posted and published
zero. . . I guess that's how things go sometimes. I don't have a lot to say now either, so I'll just put up a sort of random hodge podge. Let's start with some sweet photos (with the new camera I got for Christmas - yippee!) of Silas from the past couple of months.
Happily (despite all of the foreboding, worrying, and, upending of everyone's lives), this baby has remained inside and, while the doctors keep telling me it will probably be be any time, we're still waiting for things to get going. My due date is a week from Monday, we'll see what happens!
zero. . . I guess that's how things go sometimes. I don't have a lot to say now either, so I'll just put up a sort of random hodge podge. Let's start with some sweet photos (with the new camera I got for Christmas - yippee!) of Silas from the past couple of months.
Reading with Auntie
Making breakfast
Enjoying a Valentine's Day treat
Trying on Papa's boots
I've been doing a bunch of cooking/baking since I got off of bedrest (other than spending time with Silas, it was what I missed most). I've made these cookies, sans filling, although I'm sure that would be amazingly delicious too, about four times in the past month, for ourselves and to thank all of the neighbors who helped us out. They are super, super good. You should make them. In a very similar vein, but for breakfast, is this delicious oatmeal. I've only made it with regular milk and I subbed dates for the raisins (because raisins are gross). It's also a definite winner. On the more savory side of things, we've really enjoyed this a couple of times in the past month (subbing a pound of sweet potato and a pound of rutabaga for the kale, squash, and leeks and throwing in a quart of canned tomatoes - this recipe is very adaptable to what's on hand, I think the biggest key is making sure you do the onions, carrots, and celery for the full 15 minutes and get them really nicely browned). A garnishing spoonful of pesto is an especially nice touch. Lastly, I can't recommend this cookbook enough. Every recipe we've made has been wonderful and the hummus is fantastic. I can't wait until we have fresh produce in the garden and I can try the other 75% of its recipes!
This, sadly, doesn't make the cut for recommended recipes,
but it looks pretty and it's the only food photo I've taken this past month
Happily (despite all of the foreboding, worrying, and, upending of everyone's lives), this baby has remained inside and, while the doctors keep telling me it will probably be be any time, we're still waiting for things to get going. My due date is a week from Monday, we'll see what happens!
This is actually a couple of weeks old,
but you get the idea