From the Recipe Box
In case you haven't gathered, I am somewhat obsessed with I really can't help myself; everything I've made from her recipes has been delicious. I was super excited last weekend, because Tres brought home a huge box of rhubarb from one of his growers and that meant I could try out a bunch of her rhubarb recipes.
I've only just started, but would like to highly recommend to my first choice, as they were both delicious and easy to make (they turned out awfully pretty, too).
The only thing I would draw to your attention before you start, is that these need to be frozen for at least an hour before you bake them. I suspect that this is so the filling doesn't soak through the crust and it was definitely successful in that respect for me. I wanted them for breakfast, so I just made them the night before and stuck them in the freezer. Good, good stuff.
I feel like we haven't been seeing enough of the cats
on here lately, so here's a little photo bomb for you